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【 发布日期:2010-09-02 】    作者:





讲座报告人: Eihachiro Nakamae


E. Nakamae教授是国际计算机图形学的先驱者之一,从1960s即开始从事计算机图形学的研究工作,1968年成为日本广岛大学最年轻的教授之一,现为该大学荣誉教授。E. Nakamae教授的主要研究兴趣为:隐藏线消除、光照模型建模、户外自然场景绘制、可视化技术、道路CAD、增强现实等研究工作,已发表SIGRRAPHEurographics论文各9篇,以及大量的会议和期刊论文,于2007年获日本图像电子学会的特别功勋奖,奖励他对计算机图形学界的杰出贡献,以及培养出了亚洲第一位获得ACM SIGGRAPH Steven A. Coons奖的学者。



讲座题目:Real-time Simulation of Nature Scenes

讲座报告人: Qunsheng Peng


Qunsheng Peng is a Professor of computer graphics at Zhejiang University. His research interests include realistic image synthesis, computer animation, scientific data visualization, virtual reality, bio-molecule modeling. In the past years, he published more than 200 papers concerned with shading models, real time rendering, curved surface modeling, and infrared image synthesis on international journals and conferences, among them, two papers won respectively the Best Paper Award of J. Computer & Graphics 1988-1989 and the Best Paper Award of Eurographics'89. He received a number of domestic scientific prizes and is the recipient of Chinagraph’2000 Achievements Award.  Prof. Peng graduated from Beijing Mechanical College in 1970 and received a Ph.D from School of Computing Studies, University of East Anglia in 1983. He serves currently as a member of the editorial boards of several international and Chinese journals and the chairman of the Professional Committee of CAD&CG, China Computer Federation.