数字图像处理(双语)、研究生专业英语、多媒体技术、Advanced Computer Graphics(英文)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61303083,面向带属性三维模型的优化简化和压缩技术的研究,2013-2016,24万元,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目小额资助,61070102,基于海量数据的实时交互式系统中关键问题的研究,2011-2011,10万元,主持
3. 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目,BS2011DX017,面向不可靠网络的三维模型压缩技术,2011-2014,5万元, 主持
4. 美国高通公司,美国高通公司合作研究,2013-2015,15万元,参与
5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,U1201258,基于机器学习的多模态医学影像信息处理与分析,2012-2016,200万元/40万元,参与
1. Na Lv, Zifei Jiang,Yan Huang, Xiangxu Meng, M. Gopi, Jingliang Peng*,Generic Content-Based Retrieval of Marker-Based Motion Capture Data,IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2018, 24(6): 1969-1982.
2. Yan Huang*, Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, M. Gopi,A generic scheme for progressive point cloud coding,IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,14(2), 440-453, 2008.
3. Zifei Jiang,Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng*,Recent Advances in Content-Based Motion Capture Data Retrieval,International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2018, 25(2): 47~56.
4. Yan Zhang, Zheng Sun, Peng Jiang,Yan Huang*, Jingliang Peng,Hybrid Image Retargeting Using Optimized Seam Carving and Scaling,Multimedia Tools and Applications,2017, 76(6): 8067-8085.
5. Wei Li,Yan Huang, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Jingliang Peng*,Video-Based Human Motion Capture Data Retrieval viaNormalized Motion Energy Image Subspace Projections,IEEE International Conference on Multimedia andExpo(ICME)Worksohp on Emerging Multimedia Systems and Applications, 1-6, 2017.
6. Weidi Liu, Wei Li,Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng*,Image Retrieval by Subspace-Projected Color and Texture Features,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP), 1-5, 2017.
7. Yuxue Fan,Yan Huang*, Jingliang Peng,Progressive Point Cloud Compression Based on Bottom-Up Point
Clustering,International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21(3), 117-126, 2015.
8. Lu Zhou, Ping Hu, Zhipeng Jia, Xinbo Jiang,Yan Huang*,Multi-Feature Based Skeletal Motion Retrieval,International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21(3): 107-115, 2015.
9. Yonghui Du,Yan Huang*, Jingliang Peng,Full-Body Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Video Sequence via Multi-Dimensional Boosting Regression,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 531-544, 2015.
10. Wei Li,Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng*,Automatic and Robust Head Pose Estimation by Block Energy Map,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3357-3361, 2014
11. Jizhen Ye, Jian Wei,Yan Huang*, Jingliang Peng,Comparative Study of DXT1 Texture Encoding Techniques,Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 18(7), 110-115, 2014
12. Xian Wu,Yan Huang*,Real-Time and interactive browsing of massive mesh models,Computer Modeling & New Technologies, 18(7), 116-121, 2014
13. Haoran Liu,Yan Huang*,Comparative Study of 3D Model Transmission Strategies over Unreliable Network,Advanced Materials Research, 846: 1826-1829, 2014.
14. Na Lv,Yan Huang*, Zhiquan Feng, Jingliang Peng,A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Human Motion
Capture Data Segmentation,Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 25(3-4), 281-290, 2014
15. Na Lv,Yan Huang*, Zhiquan Feng, Jingliang Peng,A Survey on Motion Capture Data Retrieval,AppliedMechanics and Materials, 556, 2944-2947, 2014.
16. Yuxue Fan,Yan Huang*, Jingliang Peng*,Point Cloud Compression Based on Hierarchical Point Clustering,APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, 1-7, 2013.
17. Yan Zhang, Jingliang Peng,Yan Huang,Improved Adaptive Seam Carving for Image Retargeting,the Fourth International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation (ICDMA)2013
18. Wei Zhang,Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng*,Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Based on Local Spatio-Temporal Coherency,APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, 1-6, 2013.
19. Qi Kong, Shaoshan Wang, Jiushan Yang, Ruiqi Zou,Yan Huang*, Yilong Yin, Jingliang Peng,Automatic Measurement on CT Images For Patella Dislocation Diagnosis,IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP), 1130-1134, 2013.
20. Wei Zhang, Wei Li,Yan Huang*, Jingliang Peng,Motion Consistency Based Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC,The 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing(CISP 2012).
21. Mingyin Ning,Yan Huang*, Jingliang Peng,A Prototype of B/S-Based Intelligent Video Surveillance System,The 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing(CISP 2012).
22. Yixiao Zhou,Yan Huang*, Haibin Ling, Jingliang Peng,Medical Image Retrieval Based on Texture and Shape Feature Co-Occurrence,SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012.
23. Xifeng Gao, Caiming Zhang,Yan Huang, Zhigang Deng*,A robust high-capacity affine-transformation-invariant scheme for watermarking 3D geometric models,ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 8(2S), 34, 2012.
24. Feihu Yan,Yan Huang*, Chen He, Xueqing Li, Jingliang Peng*,Texture-Aware Simplification of Point-Based 3D Models,International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information,2012, 15(9): 3681
25. Yan Huang, Feihu Yan, Bei Wang, Jingliang Peng,Feature Adaptive Surfel Set Simplification,Pacific
Graphics2011 Short Papers, 2011.
26. Qingkun Su,Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng,CoLDImage: Contrast and Luminance Distribution for Content-Based Image Retrieval,The 3rd International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing(IEEE-IASP2011), 2011.
27. Jingliang Peng,Yan Huang, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Ilya Eckstein, M. Gopi,Feature Oriented Progressive Lossless Mesh Coding,Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2010),29(7), 2029-2038, 2010.
28. Behzad Sajadi,Yan Huang, Pablo Diaz-Gutierrez, Sung-Eui Yoon, M. Gopi,A novel page-based data
structure for interactive walkthroughs,ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 23-29,2009.
29. Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, M. Gopi,Octree-based progressive geometry coding of point
clouds,EUROGRAPHICS/IEEE Symposium on Point Based Graphics, 103-110, 2006.
30. Mei Yang,Yan Huang, Jaime Bae Kim, Meejeong Lee, Tatsuya Suda,An End-to-end QoS Framework with On-demand Bandwidth Reconfiguration,IEEE InfoCom2004.